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New born baby care tips

Newborn care

A newborn can bring a whirlwind of activity and excitement to your life — and plenty of 
stress and fatigue, too. Whether you're a first-time parent or a veteran, consider 10 practical tips to keep stress under control.The first few months with your newborn can be chaotic and overwhelming for first-time parents.You will get all kinds of contradicting advice from everyone about newborn baby care. Deciding what advice to follow in regards to newborn care can be confusing. Caring for a newborn is exhausting and challenging, but it is also one of the most wonderful and rewarding experiences of your life

Baby Skin Care

Is anything more perfect than your baby's skin? You can't help but touch and caress it. Your baby loves it as much as you do.
Protecting delicate skin from harm is an important job for a parent. Here's what you'll need to know and do.

The Soft Touch

While your baby's skin is famously soft and smooth, it is also strong and resilient. The skin is the body's largest organ – a group of cells stacked together to form a thin but tough barrier. Skin constantly renews itself throughout life, and the renewal process begins even before birth.
Still, many a newborn's skin is anything but perfect at first. You should not be alarmed by considerable peeling, redness or flaking in the first few days after birth, especially around the wrists, knees and feet. This is all normal.
Over the first few weeks, your baby's skin will fill out and get smoother.


To keep your baby's skin healthy, you need to maintain its natural softness and strength. Know natural tips on how to treat dry skin and baby eczema. Even if your baby's skin isn't peeling, it may benefit from using moisturisers.
You can get fragrance-free products with ingredients such as mineral oil or petroleum. If you need a recommendation you can speak to your healthcare provider.
Whatever you choose, stick with it so your baby's skin won't have to adjust to the different blends of ingredients in various products.

Infant sun protection

Babies of all ages should stay out of direct sunlight. A baby can get sunburnt in as little as 10 to 15 minutes, even on cloudy days.
  • The first thing you can do to minimise exposure is clothing.  Sun protective clothing rated UPF 50 is best.
  • On warm days, dress your baby in lightweight cotton clothing that covers her arms and legs
  • Make sure that she wears a wide-brimmed hat for every outing
  • Try to avoid going out when the sun's rays are strongest, between 10 am and 3 pm.
  • When outside, try to keep your baby in the shade.
It is best not to rely on sunscreen as a substitute for protective clothing or sun avoidance. Use it to cover your baby's exposed face, hands and feet.

Baby Nail Care – protect the skin from scratches

Your baby's tiny fingernails are very thin and sharp and grow surprisingly fast! You may need to trim them as often as twice a week.
This is important since newborns can scratch their faces with their own nails.
Nail care tips
  • Use a soft emery board, baby nail clippers or baby nail scissors for trimming. (This may be easier when your baby is asleep)
  • To avoid snipping the fingertip skin as you trim the nail, hold her finger firmly and press the finger pad away from the nail as you cut.
  • Toenails grow much more slowly and are usually very soft. They don't need to be kept as short as fingernails – a trim once or twice a month is enough.
  • While her toenails may appear to be ingrown, but babies seldom suffer from this.
  • Call your healthcare provider if the skin around the toenails gets red, inflamed or hard.
  • Baby Laundry Tips

    Washing Powder:

    Your baby's skin may be sensitive to chemicals in new clothing and to soap and detergent left on clothes after washing.
    • Wash all new clothes and linens before your baby uses them.
    • For the first few months, do your infant's wash separately from your other washing.
    • Use a gentle detergent and a thorough rinse cycle.
    Baby skin is delicate and requires special attention, these tips will help ensure that it stays protected.
  • Keep the house quiet while your baby sleeps

    As it turns out, babies are actually used to hearing background noise from their time spent in the womb. Go ahead and run the vacuum cleaner during nap time if you like. The humming of the machine may help to ease your baby to sleep, and you can get some of your own 'to do' list done while they rest.


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